When Julia Samuel agreed to be my first guest for ‘Little London Whispers with’ in 2021, I was overjoyed. I met Julia in 2019 at a talk about ‘Love’ on Valentine’s Day.
She is the one account I have religiously followed for calm and sensible advice during the last year of COVID-19.
Julia Samuel MBE is a highly respected psychotherapist. She has worked with bereaved families for over 30 years, so she really knows a thing or two about how we are feeling. She also has a wonderful sense of humour.
We have all learnt over the last year that COVID has not been kind to us. It has affected us all in one way or another.
Being isolated and not being able to see or hug our families and friends has been the hardest. Maybe you have lost someone. We know the effects and it is taking its toll on our mental health. Julia has covered all the bases and continues to do so. She was and is the voice of reason. She is also the best virtual friend I have made.
I hope you enjoy my first Little London Whispers with Julia, and take away some of the positive energy. x