Bob Bob Ricard is one of those restaurants I’ve always wanted to visit, but never got around to. Before our latest lockdown in London they had started a waffle and bellini brunch menu.

The decor at Bob Bob Ricard is opulent art deco. It is utterly gorgeous even without the Christmas decor. Blue, silver & gold details sit between plush velvet curtains and mirrors on the ground floor.
Head downstairs for rich warm reds and velvets. Muted lights with banquettes and booths make it utterly romantic. The addition of the backgammon floor and disco lights have you yearning for yesteryear.

Back upstairs for food| Press for champagne

We went for waffles and champagne. Our choices were simple.. waffles with fruit, bacon or both. I took the hungry 24yr old, and he demolished it. Said he couldn’t have made one better himself, with a cheeky grin.

If you want something extra.. so extra it hurts, have a little truffle maple syrup. I’m a huge lover of truffle, but honestly it was a bit too strong for me, so was glad I went simple.

All of this is washed down with that delicious bellini champagne cocktail, it is the perfect start to a weekend in town.
Wander around the streets of Soho whilst it is quiet, or meander over towards Mayfair along Savile Row, down to Hanover Square and pop your head into an art gallery or two.

Sometimes it is really nice not to have a plan, other than breakfast, or brunch. It then leaves the day for exploring – and I love exploring.
See you soon Bob …
On another note, as soon as restaurants re-open I am coming back for lunch. The menu looks so good, and is described as a mix between British and Russian. Think chicken kiev, lobster mac & cheese, beef wellington or even caviar and oyster… is this what they mean when they say the world is your Oyster. All this and you just have to press for champagne!
Bob Bob Ricard : Champagne & Waffles is offered 11-12 Friday to Sunday
Book your table here
This meal was gifted in return for a review