Each year I spend January making sure I’ve been able to catch any exhibitions I’ve missed in the run up to Christmas. Come February the new exhibitions are opening as fast as the spring flowers in Hyde Park.

Let me tell you what I’ve seen already and what I’m really looking forward to from the major galleries in London right now.

My 7 Exhibitions for Spring in London
- Pitzhanger Manor. : Alice Irwin and Sinta Tantra | Two extraordinary female led exhibitions that sit perfectly alongside each other in this country home of Sir John Soane. Tickets from £9. Concessions available. Open now.
- Two Temple Place : The Glass Heart | A look at how this collaborative material has been used over the centuries. Lots of super interesting collaborative events running alongside it. 27 January – 21 April 2024. Free.
- Royal Academy : Entangled Pasts 1768 – now Art, Colonialism and Change | I was blown away by this exhibition. It is thoughtfully put together, with some breathtaking rooms and over 100 historical and contemporary art to stop you in your tracks.
3 February – 28 April 2024. Tickets from £22.00 - Hayward Gallery : When Forms Come Alive. Trigger happy or tactile gazes at these new sculptures. It is as intriguing as it is incredible. As I walked around I loved how engaged children were with what they saw. 7 February – 6 May 2024.
- Burtynsky Extractions/Abstraction at The Saatchi Gallery on now until 6 May. This is Edward Burtynsky’s biggest exhibition of his career and you must not miss it. It’s as powerful as it is breathtaking. His awareness of nature and our planet is viewed from above with his extraordinary images. It is quite the visual education. Another 5 star exhibition for the Spring. Tickets from £19.50.
- Tate Modern : Yoko Ono | Music of the Mind. Her first exhibition since 1966. Opens 15 February – 1 September 2024. Tickets from £22.00. What I loved about the exhibition was how interactive they have made it for adults and children alike.
- Tate Britain : Sargent and Fashion. The man who manipulated the dress of his sitters. Run don’t walk… just saying! It continues to be my favourite exhibition in London right now.
22 February – 7 July 2024. Tickets from £22.00.

With so many brilliant exhibitions opening this month let me add one more Dulwich Picture Gallery : Soulscapes. The exhibitions features over 30 contemporary works retelling of landscape by artists of the African Diaspora. Opens 14 February – 24 June 2024. Tickets from £17.50.
If you are looking for more to see in London, be sure to check out the LLW monthly Super Seven. It’s my curated look at London’s cultural scene. A monthly highlight of 7 things that inspires you to get out and enjoy London.